Sunday, January 13, 2013

100 Days of Shoes - Day 7 - The first Sivad and New Balance Collabo

Day 7 finds me working bright and early at City Sports Harbor East in Baltimore.  Whenever I work opening shifts I have to wear vibrant shoes to get myself excited to get out of bed.  It takes a lot of energy to socialize with every customer that comes in the store so I have to pep myself up before I get there...and my triple tall gingerbread frappuccino isn't always enough!

For today's shoes I went with my very first design collaboration with New Balance.  This is actually the first time I've ever worn these kicks.  They have been displayed on my ever expanding shelf for the last year and half; but, it was time to take them off their pedestal and give them some action!  All throughout the day customers were commenting on them.  It is so rewarding to have strangers appreciate your designs.  Even if it doesn't lead to a sale, just having the validation that people like the direction you're heading in is enough to keep me inspired to open The Shop by Sivad.

When designing with New Balance I had to start of with the base shoe NB US574; part of their "Made in the USA" collection.  Any one that knows me can attest to the fact that I have an infatuationf with America.  Growing up a Navy brat, and traveling the world, I have learned one thing...the US is only country I will EVER call home.

Everyone gets a kick out of the color combination I chose for these shoes.  New Balance has a tendency to be quite reserved, so people are shocked to see such a vibrant pair with laces and accents that pop at every angle.

I LOVE how they customized the heals for me.  Nosirrah Sivad was nothing more than an entertaining thought when I customized these shoes, and now it is poised to dominate the Baltimore sneaker game in the next year.  I am proud and excited to watch my concept grow and come to life!

As always I'm rocking Thorlo socks.  If you haven't ever run in Thorlo's you are missing out.  They have incredible padding in the toe and heal, while the arch is constricted to keep your foot in proper form and avoid arch sprains.  If you are the least bit serious about your running, do yourself a favor and try them out.  You will not be disappointed.

As far as the outfit for the day I kept it simple...I think the bright shoes and pink hair is enough for our morning customers lol.  I threw on some new AllSaints jeans that I picked up in Boston over New Years, my City Sports Staff T, and my go to Burberry fur collared vest.

Live your dreams.
Make them a reality.
Love. Sivad.

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